Benefits Of Taking A Lash Class

No one’s born just knowing how to do eyelash extensions (not even us here at PLA!). The best lash artists out there are the ones who put effort into their education and take the time to expand their knowledge, skills, and methods.

We are proud that PLA puts such an emphasis on education — academy is part of our name, after all. The lash courses we offer have been meticulously designed to help lash artists no matter where they are in their journey to better themselves and their craft. Whether you’re just starting out or need a bit of a refresher, taking a lash extension class is never a bad idea.

Let’s get into how to choose a lash extension class, who would benefit the most from attending one, and how lash education can help you along your journey.

How To Pick The Best Lash Course For You

No two lash classes are exactly the same, so it’s important to find the right fit for your skill level and personal goals. Here are a few things to consider when looking for your perfect class!

In-Person Vs Online Lash Training

Both in-person and online classes have their pros and cons, so you’ll have to decide for yourself which works best for you. In-person classes tend to be more intensive and allow for instant answers to any questions you have, but take more effort to attend and can be more expensive. On the other hand, online classes are usually more lenient about time and less costly, but you might not always get the same amount of attention as you would in-person.

We tried our hardest to ensure that all of our courses, both online and in-person, deliver the same quality and amount of information to all of our students. You can rest assured that if you learn with PLA, you will receive the best lash education possible, both here and virtually!

What topics are covered?

Are you a beginner lash artist or looking for more advanced subject matter? This will greatly impact the type of class you should look for. 

If you are still building your lash experience, you probably want to look for a course that covers lash theory, basic class and volume lashing, and some hands-on practice. Take a look at our Lash Foundations Unleashed course — we created this class so that even students who have just received their license can start their lash journey on the right foot. 

We also offer Mega Magic and Wet, Wispy, & Strip Lash Styling, which are aimed at intermediate and advanced lash artists who are hoping to hone their technical skills. Courses like these require some type of lash experience, as opposed to more beginner-friendly classes. 

What’s included in the lash training classes?

This part’s kind of fun! Make sure you take a look at what goodies come with your ticket to the class. Do you get a swag bag or kit? Will meals be included? Will you get an official certificate at the end to show off your hard work? If you’re trying to decide between a few courses, these extras might just be the tipping point.

Just so you know, when you attend PLA course, you’ll get a lash kit stuffed with everything a lash artist could ever need, lunches are provided every day, AND you’ll graduate with at least one PLA certificate. We want to make sure you get the best bang for your buck!

Benefits Of An Eyelash Extension Course

Develop your technical skills

Obviously, having amazing lashing skills is a huge part of being a successful lash artist. The best way to keep up with these skills and continue to improve is to surround yourself with fellow professionals and educators who can help you learn. Attending a lash tech class automatically grants you an opportunity to connect with other artists and learn from industry leaders!

Create career opportunities

That leads nicely into our next point. Other than helping you improve your technical lash skills, meeting other lash artists and mentors can provide you with networking opportunities you might not find elsewhere. You never know who can help you take that next step in your lashing career.

Build confidence and credibility

Clients are more likely to book with a lash artist who has taken it upon themselves to improve their craft. And if you have the official certificates to prove it, even better! Think about it — lash extensions are not totally risk-free and are done on a sensitive part of the body. You wouldn’t go to a doctor who never attended medical school! While lashing may not be quite that serious, your clients will feel more comfortable if they can see that you have completed an official eyelash extension training (or multiple!).

Prove to yourself that you CAN do it

Lastly, we understand that a lash course can seem a little intimidating or daunting. But the best way to get over a fear is to conquer it! Once you arrive, you’ll see that your fellow students are probably in the same boat. Then you can all turn that nervousness into excitement about learning more about lashes! And afterwards, you’ll feel proud of yourself for jumping in head first and ready to take on the world.

The Best Online Eyelash Extension Certification – Or In-Person, at PLA! 

Lash classes provide a multitude of benefits — education, fellowship, and motivation. They come in all shapes and sizes, including online and in-person. Finding the right class can take a bit of research, but once you do, you’ll never look back. 

We believe that continuing education is essential for lasting success as a lash artist, whether it’s with us or not! Trends and techniques change all the time, so keeping up with your learning is the best way to stay ahead of the curve and reach your full potential.

Happy lashing and learning!